Registration is closed!

Due to unforeseen events we are sad to announce that the Expedition 2024 cannot be deployed.

The Expedition Leader conveys his personal regrets for all those who looked forward to partaking on this journey in July.

A new date may be announced in due time, but right now the Expedition is out on hold.

Not valid now, but the below information is left here for informational purposes:

Use the link below to reach the form to register for the Expedition 2024.

All input is needed.

Your application will be screened for proper qualifications.

There are only 20 seats available.

If the Expedition limit is met within 24 hours of public registry there will be a lottery draw arranged, live for all qualified entrants, approximately 2-3 weeks after registration day opening. If not, registrations will be approved in chronological order.

You will be notified via email and on social media channels in case of a draw, or if you have been admitted or not.